Birthday retrospective

I like my birthday because people are nice to me and buy me nice things. For example, my family sent me a box with a stuffed lion, Kraft cheese & macaroni, Extra spearmint gum, and cocoa. Andy got me a Cal sweatshirt to wear virtually everyday, Odie bought me a copy of his favorite book Cannery Row, and a bunch of my friends bought me dinner. And Melissa took me shopping and was very patient with me when I became frustrated with clothes. She acquired these shoes for me. They’re Vans.

[New shoes]

Wallet: Generation 3.0

[duct tape wallet version 3.0]As promised, here’s the third version of my duct tape wallet. It’s a stylish black and is the slimmest to date. I’m much happier with the pocket situation, but they still need some work. Also on the downside was the time requirement. The first two wallets took about an hour each. This one was several hours start to finish, although there was a lot of trial and error in that time period. If I made the same wallet, I could probably get it under 2 hours.

Wallet: Generation 2.2

[duct tape wallet version 2.2]After making my first duct tape wallet and carrying it around for a day (see below), I learned a few things and decided to make a second attempt at it. Here is the result. It’s much slimmer and sturdier, but I think it’s too tall. I’m still trying to optimize the pockets also. I’ve had several people suggest that I set up shop with the vendors on Telegraph and sell these fine items. If this chemistry thing doesn’t work out, at least I’ll have duct tape wallets to fall back on.

Duct tape: fun and practical

[duct tape wallet version 1.0]My wallet has been falling apart for some time now. I really don’t feel like buying a new one, so I took matters into my own hands and made a new one from duct tape. Here’s the my first generation wallet, which I made following directions I found via google. It’s actually nicer than I expected, but there are a few modifications I’d like to make in my next attempt. I think I might find some clear duct tape. That could be cool.