ND at Washington: Thank God That’s Over With

ND is a pretty good team. Washington is a pretty bad team. These are the type of games that we have little to gain and a lot to lose. But if we would have lost this one, I might have lost my mind. The amount of “Ty was wronged” propaganda would have done me serious mental harm. But as Nessler said at the end of the telecast, this game is no longer the “Ty Bowl,” but reverts to the “Washington game” on the schedule.

The Good:

  • Walker’s fourth consecutive 100 yd game.
  • The Quinn (25/37, 327 yd, 1 TD, 0 INT) to Samardzija (8 rec for 164 yd, TD) and Fasano (6 rec for 66 yd) show continues.
  • Won the turnover battle.
  • Getting Thomas and Wolke in the game.
  • Penalties were much more managable.
  • The Bad:

  • DBs got beat on some deep passes. This will haunt when USC comes to town.
  • Field goal and extra point snafus.
  • The Ugly:

  • The media blitz on ND over the Willingham firing.
  • With losses by Michigan, Louisville, Georgia Tech, and Purdue, ND should be approaching the top 10 again.

    In other news, Cal can run the football, and those four great Big Ten teams (OSU, UM, Purdue, Iowa) have 6 losses this season.

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